Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

benefits of drinking lemon verbena tea

benefits of drinking lemon verbena tea Fruit by the scientific name Citrus aurantifolia has pale white grains with a sour taste slightly bitter. Normally lime is used as the fishy busting on raw fish, fresh flavoring on the chicken soup, and more.

Meanwhile, the lemon has a larger form, oval, and there muncungnya. Sometimes yellowish green color, it is best to keep bright yellow. It feels fresher and sharper fragrance. Citrus x limon is a natural name. Usually used as a basic ingredient of various foods such as chicken lemon seasoning, or lemon pie, lemon water and honey that tastes good. Lemons market price is usually more expensive than lime.

Well, this time I will discuss more about the benefits of lemons, which not many people know. Lemon sour though, it turns out, when consumed, alkaline not harm the stomach. Not only for consumption, lemon juice can also be used for various domestic purposes.

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