Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

benefits of lemon juice in tea

benefits of lemon juice in tea Lemon tea is a combination of two healthy drinks. Since the first known tea as a healthy drink because it contains a lot of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. While lemon is a fruit that is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
As reported by Boldsky (8.21). Here are some benefits of consuming lemon tea.

1. Digestive System
Lemon tea can strengthen the digestive system and can help remove toxins from the digestive system. In addition to maintaining fitness, lemon tea will also help cleanse the system in our body. With adamya lemon will help the body to absorb more nutrients from the tea.

When using lemons to address the problem of body odor, you should avoid to use it on the wound. Because if the wound is exposed to water, the lemon will be very sore. To avoid burning if there is a wound in the body, just use Lifebuoy Lemon Fresh bath. This soap contains lemon which can eliminate body odor and maintain the health of your skin.

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